King & Country & Master Box Turkish Distributor

Frequently Asked Questions

Membership is not mandatory when shopping from the model soldier.

Is membership required? 

Membership is not compulsory when shopping from model soldier, you can shop without becoming a member. The information we ask for during your shopping and membership process is necessary to ensure that your orders can be accessed securely.

How do I follow my order? 

After logging in with your member information, you can follow up the status of all your orders in the "My Orders" section. If you have made a purchase without membership, your e-mail address will be sent to the last status of your order.

What are the payment options? 

You can choose from Credit Card, PayPal, BKM express or bank transfer payment options.

All information you provide is secured using SSL certificate-based encryption. Therefore, your credit card information cannot be stored or stored in any database.

I want to change/return the product, what should I do? 

Return and exchange (0312) 443 00 40 can not receive support. You must submit all copies of the invoices sent to you during the cancellation and refund transactions together with all copies. Please take care to deliver the products to us in the way you delivered them.